Saturday, September 13, 2008

be your own [blank]

i've begun seeing a life coach. a life coach to people like an independent consultant is to companies: their job is to help you identify what is holding you back from your potential.

i spent an hour and half yesterday with her talking about my life and my goals. i have three homework assignments and one of them is to be your own [blank] - i.e. what would your best friend, mom, dad, sister, brother, son, daughter, coach, mentor, etc. say to you when you do something good.

in retrospect, it's seems so simple. when you are doing something good, you should praise yourself. but why do we find it so hard?

today, i caught myself saying "you can run better"instead of "good job getting back into running!"

why am i so hard on myself? maybe that is the key to being a better me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always been curious about the life coachery. Good luck and I hope you find answers to your questions. :)